Thursday November 4, 2021


AMRAP 30:00 Minutes
100/70 Calories BikeERG or 1 Mile Run
40 Double Unders
10 GHD Situps/Toes-Bar/15 Situps 

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Coaches Tips
30:00 AMRAP in cardio format doesn’t technically mean get your maximal reps and rounds in. Instead, you should think about this as the max number of rounds you can complete while staying in that sweet spot of 7-8/10 effort. The bike is purposefully is meant to take up the bulk of your time in this 30:00 Minute effort. This is where you want to dial your effort in and find a pace that allows you to recover from your double unders and situps and also get a good cardio flow going. 


2 thoughts on “Thursday November 4, 2021

  1. Round 1: 1200m run, 80 singles, 10 GHDs to parallel
    Round 2: 70 cal bike, 80 singles, 10 GHDs to parallel
    Round 3: 70 cal bike, 80 singles, 10 GHDs to parallel
    Round 4: 10 cal on the bike

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