Saturday April 27, 2024


PART 1. EVERY 1:30 x 5 SETS*
1 Hang Clean**+ 1 Clean**+ 1 Shoulder to Overhead
*Start Light-Moderate and end Moderate-Heavy.
**Option for Power or Squat.

15/12 Cal Row
10 Toes to Bar
*P1 works while P2 completes Max Power Clean to Overhead (Athlete Choice). Once a full round is complete, partners switch.
Barbell Options…

PRIMARY WORKOUT GOAL → Athletes should stay as consistent as possible on the Rowing and TTB in order to really focus on the barbell in the workout. We do not want the first two movements to detract from the Clean to OHs, as this is a heavy workout.

Friday April 26, 2024

PART 1. 3×4 Overhead Squat*
*Use the same Heavy Weight for All Sets

PART 2. FOR TIME: 120 DB Front Squats (50/35)*
*Every break, complete 12 Burpees. If DBs come below the shoulders or off the shoulders, Burpees must be completed.

PRIMARY WORKOUT GOAL → The goal today is to knock out a high volume of reps in a relatively short amount of time. We want the dumbbells to be something you can fight through a bigger set of Front Squats on and then get back to after a quick Burpee break.

Wednesday April 24, 2024

Mark and Adam

(Extended Warmup) EMOM x 6 MINUTES
Strict Gymnastics Pressing Option
Pressing Options…
1-3 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-Ups
2-4 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3-5 Pike Push-Ups
3-5 Strict Seated DB Press

3 Power Snatches (155/105)
5 Handstand Push-Ups
7 Pull-Ups

PRIMARY WORKOUT GOAL → Unbroken or quick sets with planned breaks will keep us moving in today’s workout. We have a mod-heavy barbell today, find a weight that allows for quick singles but is still challenging.

Tuesday April 23, 2024

Cindy, Tim and Seth

Part 1. 3×4 Bench Press*
*Use the same Heavy Weight for All Sets

Part 2. AMRAP x 10 MINUTES*
5-10-15 and so on…
Wall Balls (20/14)
*Complete 35 Double Unders After Every Set*

PRIMARY WORKOUT GOAL → Use the ENTIRE 22:00 to build to your heavy 4’s, and use a spotter! During the workout the goal should be to keep the WB unbroken through the round of 20 or for the entire workout!


Monday April 22, 2024

Laura, Paige, Claira and JoJo

(Extended Warmup) EMOM x 9 MINUTES
MIN 1 – 6-8 Front Rack Alt. Lunges*
MIN 2 – :45 Rope Climb Practice
MIN 3 – :45 EZ Bike
*Start Light and end at or slightly past workout weight.

30/25 Cal Bike
20 V-Ups
10 DB Front Rack Alt. Lunges
3 Rope Climbs

PRIMARY WORKOUT GOAL → Let’s fight to maintain an uncomfortable but sustainable pace throughout the workout. This means keeping the bike to 2:30 at most, going unbroken on the lunges, and finishing the Rope Climbs in a 1:00 or less.